In April 2020, the Ministry of industry and information technology of China issued the notice on adjusting the frequency use planning of the 700MHz frequency band, which pointed out that the frequency use planning of the 702-798MHz frequency band was adjusted for the mobile communication systems, and 703-743 / 758-798mhz (2 * 40MHz) frequency band was planned for a mobile communication system with frequency division duplex (FDD) working mode.

According to the 3GPP standard, the full frequency range of n28 is 703-748 / 758-803 (2 * 45MHz), so the 700MHz frequency band is used in FDD mobile communication in China belongs to the n28 frequency band.

According to the definition of 3GPP R16, on the base station side, R16 standard supports 30 / 40m bandwidth, that is, the maximum n28 5G carrier bandwidth is 2 * 40MHz; On the terminal side, R16 standard newly supports 30m bandwidth, that is, the maximum capacity of mobile phone is 2 * 30MHz. Among them, n28 full frequency band is divided into n28a and n28b sub-bands according to the use range of the frequency band. N28a frequency band range is 718-748 / 773-803, and n28b frequency band range is 703-733 / 758-788.

700MHz Frequency Band Character:

700MHz Frequency Band has outstanding advantages and disadvantages.

700MHz has the advantages of low frequency, long coverage distance, strong diffraction ability, strong signal through the wall ability, and low networking cost. According to the publicity materials of Vodafone, Germany, which has launched a 700MHz 5G network, the coverage capacity of 700MHz is more than 5 times that of 3.5GHz and 5 times that of 3.5GHz. Other data show that the coverage capacity per unit area of 700MHz is about 3 ~ 4 times that of a 2.6GHz network, and it can penetrate more than one wall, which is conducive to deep coverage.

The disadvantage of the 700MHz frequency band is its small bandwidth and small capacity. The bandwidth is only 30/40MHz, which is relatively small compared with 2.6GHz and 3.5GHz (100m), so it can not be used as the main force of 5G capacity.

Radio, Television, and Mobile jointly share the advantages of 700MHz  5G:

On May 20, 2020, China Mobile announced that it had signed a 5G co-construction and sharing cooperation framework agreement with China Radio and television network Co., Ltd. the cooperation plans of the two sides are as follows:

1) Both parties jointly invest in the construction of 700MHz 5G wireless network in the proportion of 1:1;

2) China Mobile provides 5G bearer network to radio and television with compensation and opens and shares 5G network in 2.6GHz band with compensation;

3) China Mobile undertakes the operation and maintenance of 700MHz wireless network, and radio and television pay the operation and maintenance expenses to China Mobile;

4) Before the 700MHz band 5G network meets the commercial conditions, radio and television will share the mobile 2G / 4G / 5G network with compensation to provide services for its customers;

5) China Mobile provides paid international business transfer services for China Radio and television.

The main advantage of the 5G network jointly built and shared by radio, television, and mobile is that the two sides build a hybrid network through a 700MHz network and 2.6GHz network, which complement each other in coverage and capacity so that they can quickly and cost-effectively deploy a high-performance 5G network with continuous coverage to meet the 2C and 2B business needs of wide-area coverage such as vonr, live broadcast, video conference, video monitoring and Internet of vehicles in the future.