A good supplier is more important than a bank. When you go to the bank for a loan, you need to find a relationship with someone. You may not be able to get the loan. The interest is not low. If you don’t repay when due, you have to sue you! The supplier, as long as you are honest, will support you without hesitation! Please be kind to your suppliers, especially those who are willing to give you arrears, and be willing to support your suppliers from small to large.
There is no absolute buyer’s or seller’s market in this world. With the change of environment, any product may become the darling of the market! There can be no forced sale without forced purchase. Establishing a harmonious, collaborative and win-win trading relationship is the direction of common development among enterprises in the future. In fact, for any enterprise, it plays a dual role of buyer and seller – purchasing raw materials and selling products. Therefore, for enterprises, being kind to your suppliers is actually being kind to yourself!
Any enterprise and personnel who do not respect the supplier will not only hurt the supplier’s enterprise and its marketing personnel, but also the external image of you and your enterprise, and ultimately affect the interests of your enterprise! Therefore, enterprises should start with basic politeness and etiquette, be kind to your suppliers, and respect people!
A company that is really doing business is bound to do a good job in every link of the company’s chain.
As far as the company is concerned, it should be strict with itself and people. It must pay more attention to products and services provided by suppliers.
The supplier’s ability to provide high-quality products and services stems from the supplier’s investment in R & D, production, sales, after-sales, management, staff quality and other links. In the final analysis, the supplier’s capital stock is the first guarantee for the final result. In reality, the purchaser is either holding down the price to the supplier or defaulting on the payment, not to mention respect. The win-win situation is just verbal. Low prices and defaults affect the profit of the supplier. How can he ensure continuous investment? Without good products and services from suppliers, how can buyers make good products?
Being kind to suppliers also reflects that they are a conscientious company, and employees will believe in the promises of the company’s leaders.
Leaders are perplexed by the low professional quality of employees every day, partly because employees do not trust leaders. In China today, employees have poor stomachs and can not digest the cake drawn by the boss. Enterprises should be kind to suppliers into the enterprise concept, and gradually cultivate employees’ good quality of respect, mutual assistance, and kindness.
It is more important than anything to attach importance to suppliers, solve difficulties and improve together. Treat suppliers as customers, and enjoy the treatment of customers. It is absolutely beneficial to the healthy development of people, yourself, and the industry.
There is no absolute buyer’s or seller’s market in this world. With the change of environment, any product may become the darling of the market!
There can be no forced buying and no forced selling,
Establish harmony, coordination
A win-win business relationship is the direction of common development among enterprises in the future.
In fact, for any enterprise, it plays a dual role of buyer and seller!