According to the latest information on Huawei’s official website, Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO, served as the rotating chairman.

According to Huawei’s official website, Huawei implements collective leadership at the management level, and the board of directors is the highest responsible organization for the company’s strategy, operation and management and customer satisfaction. The board of directors and the Standing Committee of the board of directors are presided over by the rotating chairman. The rotating chairman is the supreme leader of the company during his duty, and the rotating period of the rotating chairman is six months.

On March 29, some directors of Huawei resigned as directors of the company. Alternate directors Li Jianguo and Bloomberg are successively replaced as directors according to the rules. At present, Huawei’s board members include: Chairman Liang Hua, vice chairman / rotating Chairman Xu Zhijun, Hu houkun and Meng Wanzhou, managing directors Wang Tao and Yu Chengdong, and directors Xu Wenwei, he Tingbo, Ren Zhengfei, Tao Jingwen, Yan Lida, Li Jianguo and Bloomberg.

According to the rotating chairman system of the company, the rotating chairman’s rotating period is 6 months. On March 31, 2022, Guo Pinggang just completed the latest rotating period and Hu houkun took over.

From April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022, Hu houkun was the rotating chairman.

According to the current arrangement, Meng Wanzhou will be on duty for the first time on April 1, 2023.

According to Huawei’s corporate system, the board of directors is the highest responsible organization for the company’s strategy, operation and management and customer satisfaction. It undertakes the mission of leading the company forward, exercises the decision-making power of the company’s strategy and operation and management, and ensures that the interests of customers and shareholders are safeguarded.

According to the information on Huawei’s official website, Meng Wanzhou graduated from Huazhong University of technology with a master’s degree. He joined Huawei in 1993. He has successively served as the International Accounting Director of the company, the chief financial officer of Huawei Hong Kong company and the president of accounting management department. He is currently the vice chairman, rotating chairman and CFO of the company.

Since 2003, Meng Wanzhou has led the establishment of a globally unified Huawei financial organization structure, process, system and it platform. From 2007 to 2014, Meng Wanzhou implemented the reform of IFS (integrated financial services) in Huawei worldwide, making fine management one of the genes for Huawei’s sustainable growth.

In 2014, Meng Wanzhou led the data transformation of Huawei, established a perfect data management system, realized “counting a hole”, and made data a strategic asset of the company. During the same period, she enabled financial organizations to become business partners and value integrators through reform projects such as internal control of financial reports, consistency between accounts and reality, fund management and tax management, so as to support the rapid and steady development of the company’s business in the world.

From 2019 to now, Meng Wanzhou has built the overall blueprint of financial digitization in line with the company’s strategic vision and long-term development plan. Through risk probe and risk control model, a contactless risk control system is established; Establish an agile operation and management system and realize intelligent operation and management and decision-making based on data and AI algorithm; Establish an integrated financial operation and command platform to realize coordinated operation and three-dimensional command of key financial operation scenarios based on data transparency and real-time interaction.

Under the leadership of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei finance has become the world’s leading digital and intelligent financial organization, creating a solid and reliable business base for Huawei and helping the company realize its strategy in the new era.

On March 28, Huawei held the press conference of 2021 annual report. Huawei’s 2021 annual report shows that in 2021, Huawei achieved global sales revenue of 636.8 billion yuan and net profit of 113.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 75.9%. It is worth mentioning that Huawei continues to increase its R & D investment. In 2021, the R & D investment reached 142.7 billion yuan, accounting for 22.4% of the annual revenue. The cumulative R & D expenditure over the past decade exceeded 845 billion yuan.